.:: Sheffield Trade Directories ::.

From around 1790 to the 1970s trade directories were published which were similar to modern day phonebooks. Many of them listed people by both trade and surname and those from the 1860s onwards tended to give the addresses of private residents and householders not featured in the commercial section. They may be useful in tracing the address of a family when only the name of the head of the household is known. This can then enable other material such as censuses and electoral registers to be used.

This database comprises records from the Sheffield and Rotherham section of the Universal British Directory of 1791 which was produced as five huge volumes and comprises the earliest directory for Great Britain. It's title page describes it as follows:

"The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture, comprehending Lists of the Inhabitants of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark; and of all the Cities, Towns, and principal Villages, in England and Wales; with the Mails, and other Coaches, stage-wagons, Hoys, Packets, and Trading Vessels. To which is added, a genuine Account of the Drawbacks and Duties chargeable at the Custom-House on all Goods and Mechandize, imported, exported, or carried coastwise, with a particular of the Public Offices of every denomination; His Majesty's Court, and Ministers of State; The Peers of the Realm, and Parliament of Great Britain; The Court of Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Common-Council, of London; together with an Historical Detail of the Antiquities, Curiosities, Trade, Polity, and Manufacturers, of each City, Town, and Village. The whole comprising a Fund of useful and important Information, equally interesting to the Nobleman, the Gentleman, and Man of Business."