"The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture,
comprehending Lists of the Inhabitants of London, Westminster, and Borough
of Southwark; and of all the Cities, Towns, and principal Villages, in
England and Wales; with the Mails, and other Coaches, stage-wagons, Hoys,
Packets, and Trading Vessels. To which is added, a genuine Account of the
Drawbacks and Duties chargeable at the Custom-House on all Goods and
Mechandize, imported, exported, or carried coastwise, with a particular of
the Public Offices of every denomination; His Majesty's Court, and
Ministers of State; The Peers of the Realm, and Parliament of Great
Britain; The Court of Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Common-Council,
of London; together with an Historical Detail of the Antiquities,
Curiosities, Trade, Polity, and Manufacturers, of each City, Town, and
Village. The whole comprising a Fund of useful and important Information,
equally interesting to the Nobleman, the Gentleman, and Man of Business."